
Let's Code Dimdwarf #55: Pretty Printing

It's always good to be extra careful when dealing with the maximum and minimum values of an integer. After solving that bug in the tests, I'll improve the toString method.

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Let's Code Dimdwarf #54: Timestamp Ordering

To be able to implement session IDs, guaranteed unique values will be needed - also in a clustered environment. That can be solved by creating unique timestamps based on the paper Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System (though first I'll implement simpler timestamps). I'll start by implementing the ordering of the timestamps, for which parameterized tests are useful.

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Let's Code Dimdwarf #53: Fixing Encapsulation

I will start deepening and widening the design by first fixing the encapsulation issue with the network layer - the NetworkActor's private message queue should only be accessed by the NetworkController.

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Let's Code Dimdwarf #52: Progressive Deepening

In this episode I get the session message roundtrip working with the simplest possible implementation - all in one method, without any layering. Of course this cannot work in production, but it lets us get started with something that works. After that it's time to do progressive deepening - introduce more layers into the software and push the functionality to the layer where it belongs to - and also do progressive widening - flesh out those layers with more functionality and production-ready quality (see Craftsmanship and Ethics at 18-21 min).

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Let's Code Dimdwarf #51: Walking Skeleton

My strategy for implementing session messages - and the half a dozen still nonexistent components which it depends on - is to start with a walking skeleton. This is the approach recommended in the GOOS book which I wrote about in Design for Integrability. In this episode I will explain my strategy and implement the outline of the walking skeleton.

Actually this is the second time during this project that I've used a walking skeleton. The first walking skeleton included receiving a login request and responding to it with a login failure. The first skeleton let me put in place these components: system startup, application loading, networking, authentication and the controller-actor architecture. This second skeleton will produce: unique timestamps, session IDs, worker thread handling, application APIs to listen for and send session messages, executing tasks in application code, sending session messages and committing transactions.

P.S. I wonder whether these may technically be called the first and second walking skeleton, since they don't include all main architectural components. This system has lots of essential complexity, so I prefer taking as small steps as possible. You could say that at first I implemented the legs of the walking skeleton (the controller-actor achitecture), now I implement the hands of the walking skeleton (task execution), and later I will implement the head of the walking skeleton (persistence).

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