
Let's Code Jumi #188: Checking Test Runs (Part 1)

With TextUIParser implemented, we can improve the end-to-end tests to check individual test runs, which will expose what has not yet been implemented in the support for multiple test runs.

P.S. The Jumi test runner has just now had its first release. Go check out the announcement video on YouTube.

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Let's Code Jumi #187: Regular Expressions (Part 4)

Adding support for multiple test runs into TextUIParser. Lots of regular expressions are needed, including less often used regex features such as positive lookahead and embedded flag expressions.

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Let's Code Jumi #184: Regular Expressions (Part 1)

Adding support for multiple test runs into TextUIParser. Lots of regular expressions are needed, including less often used regex features such as positive lookahead and embedded flag expressions.

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Let's Code Jumi #182: Primitive Obsession (Part 1)

Removing primitive obsession by replacing the use of ints with RunId. Tens of places need to be updated, so it's important to proceed in small steps, passing all tests every couple of minutes.

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